Could Your Foot Pain Be Caused by a Problem in Your Spine?

From your lower spine, a number of spinal nerves flow down your legs and end in your feet. Foot pain can arise when the nerve roots (the component of the nerve that exits the spine) of certain spinal nerves are inflamed or compressed. If a nerve near your hip, knee, or foot is crushed, it might cause foot discomfort.

This blog provides a list of common causes of foot pain and helpful pointers to help you understand the origin of your foot pain.

Foot pain caused by a spinal problem
Nerve root irritation or compression in the lumbar or sacral spine (lower back) may cause sciatica pain to radiate down your leg and into the foot.1 Specifically, compression of the S1 nerve root, also called classic sciatica, can cause pain along the outer side of your foot.2

Nerve roots may be compressed or irritated due to a number of causes. Common examples include3:

Lumbar herniated disc: Leaking of the inner contents of an intervertebral disc.

Lumbar degenerative disc disease: Age-related changes causing narrowing and shrinkage of the disc.

Spondylolisthesis: Slipping of a vertebra over the one below it.

Lumbar spinal stenosis: Narrowing of the bony openings for spinal nerves and/or the spinal cord.

Foot drop is a condition that causes difficulty to elevate the front part of your foot or frequent stumbling when walking. Compression of the L5 nerve root is the most common cause of this disease. Foot drop can also be caused by compression of the L4 and/or S1 nerve roots.

How to identify the source of your foot pain?
With all the possible causes of nerve pain in the foot, it may be difficult to pinpoint the exact underlying cause. Here are a few useful signs to help you identify the source of your foot pain:

Foot pain that follows recent trauma to the lower back, hip, knee, or ankle may help indicate the site of nerve damage.

Foot pain due to nerve root compression or sciatica may also be associated with other symptoms, such as pain, numbness, and/or weakness in the buttock, thigh, and leg; and typically affects one leg at a time.

Foot pain that develops after wearing tight boots or shoes may indicate peroneal or sural nerve compression near the knee or ankle.

Foot pain that develops after a hip injection or hip surgery may indicate sciatic neuropathy.

Nerve pain in the foot may also occur due to nerve damage from systemic conditions, such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis.

Schedule a visit with us at Innovative spine wellness:
It is important to schedule an appointment with your doctor to accurately diagnose the cause of your foot pain. Treatments for foot pain can differ widely and must be directed at resolving the underlying cause; not just masking the symptoms. For example, a lumbar herniated disc may require heat therapy and exercise, while a corn on your toe can often be treated with special shoes and warm water.


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